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Inkeri Land Kindle eBook

Inkeri Land Kindle eBook

Inkeri-land is the geographical area, located at the east end of the Gulf of Finland, and the Lake Ladoga (Karelia Isthmus) along the Neva River, Narva River and Lake Peipus. The area that the Inkeri-ethnic group of the Baltic Finns historically lived from around 2000 BC to 1920’s. The name Inkeri is in Finnish. Izora is Russian. Ingria in Latin, and Ingermanland in German language. There are many theories where/how the name originated, and most likely had many applications: It is the derivative of the Baltic Finn tribe (Izora) name, which was likely adopted from an Inkeren (Izora) river that flows from Lake Ladoga to Neva, and to the Gulf of Finland.

The other explanation is that the daughter of the King of Sweden, given to in marriage to the (Ingregardin Kiovan) Prince Jaroslav of Kiova, his gift in return to the King of Sweden was the City of Straja Ladogan with its surrounding land. Most likely if this was true the Manor would have had a name change and official documentation. The former theory of the name after the Izora River is more convincing. (Saressalo 2000)

Inkeri Land Kindle eBook



Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7161661

In the history record, the name Inkeri-land people starts in 859 AD, when the Baltic Sea Finns, especially in the Gulf of Finland and the east side of lake Ladoga, there are people groups of ethnological names. The public record of the Chuds (Tsuudit) appear in the Russian Chronicles, and the Votes (Vatjalaiset), stepped into the history pages for the first time in 1069. The Izora (Izortsy) in 1228, also in the Russian Chronicles. The Ingria-land community once comprised about 55 000 square kilometers, an area of the current day Estonia to Lake Ladoga. The Ingria-land covered the land bridge between Lake Ladoga and the Gulf of Finland, an area of over 200 kilometers long, and extends to the Isthmus into the river up to the border.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7161661

As the Glacial Maximum melted around 10 000 BC, the water runoff formed the Baltic Ice lake. The early pioneers ventured north along the waterways and its shore lines. The Baltic Finns and other people came from the west, south and east. Several Millenniums went by, and a few more, then came the Vikings from the west, and other people from the south. The Vikings opened up the River highway to the far Middle East. People had settled and started to claim their ownership of land, there was Europe, Swedes, Finns, the Novgorod, Moscow, and the Mongols. Far and wide they went out to conquer the land of Siberia, East and West, Fenno-Scandia, and Lapland. And finally in the 1900 the iron fist slammed down on a small piece of land called Inkeri, and went about eradicating and smashing the ancient old people of Inkeri to oblivion.

INKERI LAND Kindle eBook.